I just got a great review from Readers Favorite for Wrecked, the first in a new series titled Blind Man's Alibi. This book is entered in their annual book award contest so I'm happy to see that the review enjoyed it. Check out the review below.
With some of the most deeply developed characters of any genre, Wrecked: Blind Man’s Alibi Book 1 by Sarah Grimm leaves you breathless as emotions flow through and around you page after page. The intensity of Emma and Joe’s feelings is portrayed through exquisite love scenes that leave you breathless in their afterglow. Their hopes, fears and ultimate understanding of their own psyches fill you with the wonder of the capacity of the human soul to accept changes and grow in spite of the pain that fills them with the reality of Emma’s imminent death. Never has such a sad story offered such a degree of hope and consolation.
Thanks for reading!
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